The rise of planetary philanthropy is the new leadership: crafting a new global vision
A unified global government is from a philantrophic perspective such a beautiful idea. The philantrophist I refer to is not the one that just gives money to a good cause, it is the one who is able to hold the vision for a healthy and balanced future and distributes all the resources (financial and planetary resources) equally over our planet for the benefit of humanity and nature. The new philantropist is the guardian. The supportive (not from a position of authority!) governing bodies are not political driven but are business units, soul and purpose driven businesses. Perhaps business is not the right word here as it is so entangled to negative side of capitalism.
To rephrase it, the governmental bodies consist of expertise centers who practically create a network around the globe so every community has access to a knowledge base, independent scientist centers, independent health services, logistical network, planetary resources, web3/internet communication network, and so on.
We will leave the current idea of big nations and corporations. Instead, we will re-organise ourselves in smaller units, communities. These communities are linked globally through a smart network based on blockchain tech. Knowledge remains ownership of the source who created it.
Sustainable sovereignty: embracing small units for planetary prosperity
Within our smaller units, we are in essence self sustainable for the living essentials: housing (and building), food, new forms of education and creative centers. On top of that we produce in local based business -a result of the gifts and expertise present in the community- services and products that we sell to other communities.
Our local businesses are not driven by competition with others but by ‘competition with themselves’: passionately driven to deliver an excellent product of service that is truly desired by others to improve life. So if one community nearby is an excellent supplier of some building material, the neighbouring community will not make the same but will add something new or complementary.
Each business will have a philantropist in his core team who guards the ethical values, re distributes the profit and resources. And yes, businesses still make reasonable profits to ensure a sustainable lifespan. Can some communities or businesses become more prosperous than others? Yes of course. The dynamic of demand and supply is still active, but profits are not a result of greed and therefor pricelevels will stay reasonable. Profit is a result of high demand (and efficiency) answering the desires of the market.
This is where Frederic Laloux (author of Reinventing Organisations) introduces the comcept of an evolutionary purpose. If businesses become really at service to the market needs, their ability to adapt will define their growth and profit. No business creation is made for profit, creativity is following real needs and improvement of a healthy and comfortable life. Once the cycle of demand has ended, the business is invited to reinvent itself.
Redesigning education for a unified humanity
As the governmental bodies are equally at service to a prosperous life on our planet for all, we will no longer have poverty or conflicts. This whole idea that mankind wants to conquer another country or tribe, is not a natural human thing to do when there are ‘tools’ like communication, mediation, equal share of resources, and last but definitely not least: a growth in self awareness and responsibility. For the latter, a complete new educational system is needed and lies at the fundation of all. As we are all born with an amazing set of talents and gifts, the only purpose of an education system is to support the blossoming of this blueprint through self awareness, relational communication and creativity. To make us all shift a lot easier to this new planetary system, it is best if we start redesigning our education, ‘mandatory’ for all ages ;-).
How does this all work monetarily? There are no stock markets, companies cannot sell company shares to investors, instead they can attract small investors and give them a revenue or profit share. People will still have paid jobs, next to that, everyone in the community gives x amount of hours for free back to the community: to help with community duties, support the elderly or to support businesses. Michael Tellingers’ idea, ‘One Small Town’, shows very clearly how this can work well! Both Laloux’s and Tellingers’ work are based on real life businesses not just a theory.
As we all will work with an awareness of our potential and natural blueprint we are born with, and we realize we are ‘always all equal but never the same’, it is very normal to see natural differences in preferred life style, or differences in our drive to create and work, therefor also different in income levels and so on. However, all grown up adults will somehow ‘work’ or contribute to the community. There is no ‘universal basic income’ but the costs of a living a healthy normal life will be low for everyone. We don’t feel we have to work to pay our bills, we work because we love to share our passion!
Revolutionizing governance: transparency through decentralised systems
We will no longer have a complicated (and highly corrupt) tax system as we have today. Instead, we simply add an extra fee (like a gasfee in the crypto world) to every financial transaction that supports the underlying system, service or product.
Much of our current market mechanism and social unsafety today is a result of corruption, manipulation and a created feeling of polarisation (source for conflicts). This has created a whole costly industry and miltary appartus that in our new planetary system no longer will be needed. Planetary resources cannot be privately owned, health research and solutions cannot be commercialised. In short, whole industries we have today will become obsolete which makes life on earth a lot cheaper.
A decentralised system with smart contracts will support our new way of living. Once we truly trust the transparency that this new system brings, it will ease us into a new level of trust.
Empowering self-aware stewards of change
Although much of the above needs refinement and it leaves many questions unanswered, nothing will really change if we don’t start believing that a world in peace and equality is truly possible. This is a (re)quest for each one of us and cannot be put onto the shoulders of leaders with the hope that they will create this new world for us.
However, to transit to this new planetary system, we defintely need some solid self aware leaders to pave the path for us. Business(wo)men who know the practicalities and challenges of businesses, but who are no longer driven by status and greed. New leaders who understand the drivers for prosperity and new philantrophy.
Are you this new leader?