Dear entrepreneur, your role is pivotal right now!
Dear entrepreneur,
I am writing to you as you might not be aware of the extraordinary position and potential role you have right now. As an entrepreneur you know the quality of creating something out of nothing. You had an idea once and you have brought this into the world to be of service. For that you needed commitment, endurance, self motivation and self belief.
Independent if you gained some wealth, or lots of it, you know the quality of indepedence. And you know that independence comes with responsibility, for the good and the bad times. Nothing really to fall back on. You are responsible for the finances, for your employees, for the lifespan of your company and for the consequence all decisions.
You have shown the quality of courage. Courage to start something new against all odds, the courage to take financial risks, the courage to put yourself outthere, with the possibility to be rejected, ignored or not succeeding. Then what?
You don’t ask yourself these future potential outcomes ‘then what?’, because you believe in your idea. To you there is only one outcome and that is success. You think in possibilities not in problems.
This mix of qualities you have, are less present with those who are employed. Yes, an employee might touch upon all of them, but not with the same purity as you do. An employee knows it has a fall back scenario, he knows he is not fully and solely responsible for the outcome or the risks taken. Perhaps the CEO of a large corporation touches that level a bit more, but still, it is not his money that is at stake and he is not solely responsible for all decisions, there is always a board above him or a possibility to leave with money or move to another company.
So you might ask, what does this all have to do with your extraordinary position right now?
We need to zoom out to understand the context and emergency
Let me share my view, my personal experience and know how of our current situation on earth. Yes, let’s zoom out for a bit. We live in unprecendented times! The world is in chaos, we are facing perhaps one of the biggests recessions ever, our monetary system will go through a big change with multiple outcomes and not all of them will guarantee our freedom, war is a daily news item and humanity is literally divided on every topic.
To look at these times through other lenses, is to see this chaos as another great awakening and shift in our evolution. That is nothing new either, mankind has always made a big shift every now and then as they outgrew the old ways (we are not longer hunters and farmers, right?). As Frederic Laloux has shown, all these major shifts have been a result of a collective rise in consciousness. It is not the new solutions that pushes humanity, it is the awareness to know how to use new solutions to societal and human benefits that shifts us. The same is happening now, at least we are in a pre-phase of it, the needed chaos and destruction. The old has to let go of its power, habit and position before the new will be adopted and become the new way.
The end of corporations is on the horizon
Perhaps it might be a stretch, dear entrepreneur, to see these times as such, but isn’t that always the case? Looking back at history it is easy to see the big story lines and connect the dots, but while in the midst of it, it is often difficult to recognize.
Or it is simply not something you can be bothered about. You have a life, a family to care for, a business to run, an economic situation to prepare for. I am totally with you on this. And I applaud you once more for your courage and endurance.
You might still wonder what the purpose of this letter is. Well, we need your help. Humanity needs it overall, but more specifically the group who calls themselves ‘awakened or spiritual conscious’ needs your help.
The problem in todays world is that the corporations have become too powerful, in our economy, they, together with the big investing companies, define our economy and our societies. They define what we eat, love to buy, the price level and so on. And you, entrepreneur, you either grow with them as a niche player or you simply follow their path to stay competitive and relevant.
In my humble opinion: the corporations need to go. All of them. We need to go back to small and medium sized organisations. No more powerplay and lobbying as that is never for the benefit of all. It disrupts our democracies, it sustains corruption and make the rich only more wealthier and powerful.
Back to more localised productions. No more cheap inhuman labour factories in a faraway country. No more outrageous transport networks to bring product A to the other end of the world because it is cheaper than the local produced one. Or worse, because we consumers are so used to be able to buy everything from every laptop and have it shipped to our doorstep. Sorry of this little rant, I too have definitely enjoyed the abundance of having everything cheap and fast. But it isn’t sustainable for many reasons.
Having observed the events in our world playing out for 2 decades now, seeing the powerplay that is used, your position is threatened for exactly this: you have the power to make a profound change right now. And those in power, the big corporations, the ones who define themselves as leaders, know how powerful you are. And that threatens their position. Because the more independent we stay, the less power others have over us. That is what you have always known, right?
My role is to support you, dear entrepreneur, in your next role. Because it is not easy at all to do this all by yourself or to even get started and expand your awareness.
I have seen it again and again. There is the knowing and deep desire to improve aspects in life but then there is the busy-ness of daily life. And your natural tendency to focus on your business gets prioritised. Makes total sense.
I also hear you thinking, all great, but the big players will never give up their power and I can’t compete with them with my smaller business.
We have the tools and tech
Yes you can. In fact it is already happening. Crowd funding, as an example, has been the first clear sign of creating new ways to support new ideas without the need of a bank. Decentralised Finance solutions (tokenization, smart contracts) will make it soon possible to make investments available to all of us, and not just the venture capatalist. The trend to move back and build locally self sustaining communities is perhaps still tiny, but it is growing fast. Affiliate marketing models show us how we can support each others’ businesses and share profits.
We have the tools, the tech and millions share the vision of a better world where life will be more equal for all and not just for some. Where we all have chances independent of our place of birth. The internet and its social media platforms show how anyone with a smartphone can become a successful entrepreneur.
I believe that entrepreneurship is the new way forward to support us in this transition. When more of us become small entrepreneurs and self aware co-workers (new term and role for an employee), we all have to develop some traits that you already have: being responsible, accountable, independent, committed, endurance, self belief and courage.
Become a new kind of leader
That’s where you come in. You need to be the example for others. It starts within your own organisation by being a new leader who guides his co-workers into self responsible and independent workers. But your new role goes beyond your company. Being an inspiring new leader, requires self leadership and awareness in all areas of your life. You know well how to build and run a company, but you can perhaps still learn a lot about self awareness, inner wisdom, healthy relationships and prosperity to name a few.
‘The awakened and spiritual conscious ones’ are perhaps ahead of you on this inner journey, but they often lack the courage and commitment to become independent entrepreneurs and realize their dreams. Money is often a big show stopper for them, so many have ditched the idea of money completely. Their focus is keeping their frequency high, shine their light. Perhaps a bit vague for you but I ensure you their role is equally important just different from yours. Personally I think we will make our desired shift faster if we cross pollinate these qualities. They become a bit more entrepreneurial and you more self aware. I ensure you, magic will happen like never seen before.
I strongly believe that a new kind of leadership is so needed right now. Leadership that is based on sense and response, leaders who know the quality of empathy, who can connect and unleash the potential of their co workers while holding the vision. Once we create these new kind of organisations, we don’t all have to become entrepreneurs, but do need to develop a basis where we can learn how to be an accountable co-worker.
What do you think, dear entrepreneur? Time to step up your game and develop yourself to become this new leader? Time to start working on that dream idea you have for a long time? Perhaps co create this with other entrepreneurs and create new ventures. Time to raise in your self awareness and create more balance in your life?
There is so much more to share, but I don’t want to take too much of your time right now. Soon back with more.
For now I wish you a lovely Eastern Weekend.
Talk soon,
Your prosperity & leadership expert